Experienced research of our university members, regularly publish academic articles for specific topics within the retail industry. On this page you will find references to these articles.
Publications for the retail sector that arise from applied research such as practical tools, reports, interactive dashboards, video’s, podcasts or blogs are mainly written in Dutch and can be found on our Retail Insiders partner page (Dutch).
Maesen S., Lamey L.(2022)
The impact of organic specialist store entry on category performance at incumbent stores
Journal of Marketing
Doucé, L.
The Effect of High, Partial, and Low Multisensory Congruity between Light and Scent on Consumer Evaluations and Approach Behavior.
Doucé, L., Adams, C., Petit, O., & Nijholt, A. (2022)
Crossmodal Congruency Between Background Music and the Online Store Environment: The Moderating Role of Shopping Goals. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 883920.
Frontiers in Psychology
Hagen, D., Risselada, A., Spierings, B., Weltevreden, J. W. J., & Atzema, O. (2022)
Digital marketing activities by Dutch place management partnerships: A resource-based view
Su, X., Spierings, B., & Hooimeijer, P. (2022)
Different urban settings affect multi-dimensional tourist-resident interactions
Tourism Geographies
Kör, B., Krawczyk, A., & Wakkee, I. (2021)
Addressing food loss and waste prevention
British Food Journal
Hoang, D., Breugelmans E. (2022)
“Sorry, the product you ordered is out of stock”: Effects of substitution policy in online grocery retailing
Journal of Retailing
L. Kowalczyk, E. Breugelmans and K. Campo (2021)
It is not there, I love it! How relevance to objective needs of an unavailable item impacts emotions, store image and behavior
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Vafainia, S., E. Breugelmans and T. Bijmolt, (2021)
Decomposition of VAT-Free Promotion Effects: The Role of Loyalty Program Membership and Category Characteristics
Marketing Letters
Campo, K., Lamey L., Breugelmans E., Melis K. (2021)
Going online for groceries: Drivers of category share of wallet expansion
Journal of Retailing
Aydinli, A., Lamey L., Millet K., ter Braak A., Vuegen M. (2021)
How do customers alter their basket composition when they perceive the retail store to be crowded? An empirical study
Journal of Retailing
Lamey, L., Breugelmans E., Vuegen M., ter Braak A. (2021)
Retail service innovations and their Impact on retail shareholder value: Evidence from an event study
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Goldman, S. P., van Herk, H., Verhagen, T., & Weltevreden, J. W. (2021)
Strategic orientations and digital marketing tactics in cross-border e-commerce: Comparing developed and emerging markets.
International small business journal
Berg, van den P., Larosi, H., Maussen, S., Arentze T.
Sense of place, shopping area evaluation, and shopping behaviour
Geographical Research
Willems, K., Doucé, L., & Petermans, A. (2021)
Can a retail environment be simulated by photographs?
Journal of Marketing Management
Su, X., Hooimeijer, P., & Spierings, B. (2021)
Why urban setting matters in shaping tourist attitudes towards interaction with residents: Causation or selection in three urban settings.
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management
Doucé, L., & Adams, C. (2020)
Sensory overload in a shopping environment: Not every sensory modality leads to too much stimulation.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Demmers, J., Weltevreden, J.W.J.,
Consumer Engagement with Brand Posts on Social Media in Consecutive Stages of the Customer Journey
International journal of electronic commerce