For the past two years, the retail sector has been creaking and grinding. Corona measures have had a major impact on the functioning of the industry. But there are more structural challenges that retailers face every day. We are ordering en masse via the Internet, new competitors are emerging (e.g. flash couriers), and consumers are making ever-higher demands on retailers in terms of service, experience and social responsibility. In addition, the tight labor market and the current geopolitical situation with the associated sky-high inflation do not help the sector either.
It is therefore particularly important now to consider the social value of the retail sector and to make (more) use of practical and fundamental research to increase the resilience and innovative strength of the sector. The Retail Innovation Platform (RINP), a collaboration between knowledge institutions and experts from Belgium and the Netherlands for over five years, supports the retail sector through this type of research, innovative ideas and the application of new knowledge. For example, the RINP conducts research into sustainability, making and keeping shopping areas attractive, translating insights from data into concrete (marketing) actions, and the added value of new technologies in stores such as robots, AR and VR.
Curious about our approach? And would you also like to work with other knowledge partners on new research projects, build consortia and be included in the most important retail themes of the moment? Then we look forward to meeting you at the seminar!