Expertises: Store innovation

  • Els Breugelmans

    Els Breugelmans

    Els Breugelmans (PhD, University of Antwerp, 2005) is Full Professor of Marketing at KU Leuven, campus Antwerp, Faculty of Economics and Business. She is an expert in the domain of retailing, and does scientific research on a variety of retailing-related topics, including omni-channel shopping, loyalty programs and retailer-manufacturer relationships. She conducts rigorous and managerially relevant…

  • Katelijn Quartier

    Katelijn Quartier
  • Dr. Tibert Verhagen

    Dr. Tibert Verhagen

    * Professor Emerging Technology for Business * Academic publications in: European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Computers in Human Behavior, New Media & Society, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Electronic Commerce Research, International Journal of Information Management, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and social Networking. * Business publications in: Emerce,…

  • Dr. Jesse Weltevreden

    Dr. Jesse Weltevreden

    Dr. Jesse Weltevreden has been professor of the e-Business professorship at the AUAS’ CAREM since 2010. He was also chairperson of the CAREM from June 2010 until May 2015. Dr Weltevreden’s PhD at Utrecht University discussed the impact of online shopping on retail businesses in Dutch inner city areas. From January 2006 until July 2007…