Bas Spierings is Associate Professor in Urban Geography at the Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at Utrecht University. His research focuses on the nexus between urban consumption, retailing and public space – with specific interests in city centre competition, retail development, touristification and commercial gentrification, urban tourism, leisure shopping, walking mobilities, and encounters with difference. He analyses how urban competition for mobile consumers and consumption capital increasingly commercialises public space, and what that implies for practices and experiences of various social groups – i.e. for processes of social interaction, differentiation, and inclusion and exclusion in particular. Bas is member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Tourism Research and the Space and Culture journal. For more details on projects and publications, please check
Su, X., Spierings, B., & Hooimeijer, P. (2022)
Different urban settings affect multi-dimensional tourist-resident interactions
Tourism Geographies
Hagen, D., Risselada, A., Spierings, B., Weltevreden, J. W. J., & Atzema, O. (2022)
Digital marketing activities by Dutch place management partnerships: A resource-based view
Su, X., Hooimeijer, P., & Spierings, B. (2021)
Why urban setting matters in shaping tourist attitudes towards interaction with residents: Causation or selection in three urban settings.
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management