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Katelijn Quartier

Katelijn Quartier

Professor Retail Design


With a Ph.d in retail design, I teach both students and professionals how to improve store experience by means of the design of the store. With the Retail Design Lab, a knowledge institution of Hasselt University, we are researching what the store of tomorrow should look like and what the role of design and other spatial cues play in it. Starting from scientific insights, we advise retailers (from chains to local heros) to improve their store experience and the customer journey. We put science into practice with the consumer in our hart.
I publish in both scientific and popular journals, as well as speaking on national and international conferences. My ambition? Gather scientific insights, make them practical and relevant for practitioners and spread the word.


Business ModelsConsumer behaviourCrossborderE-commerceLogistiek en MobiliteitMarktonderzoekOnline MarketingRetailSocial mediaStore innovationWinkelgebieden