Dr. Kaj Morel is Professor of New Marketing at the Centre of Expertise Wellbeing Economy and New Entrepreneurship. His research focuses on meaningful marketing/identity marketing and the purpose economy. Specifically, research is conducted on the application of new economic principles for (retail)business and marketing. The aim is to make business professionals more aware of their responsibility and potential to create a balanced combination of economic prosperity, ecological well-being and human well-being by developing alternative business perspectives, business practices and practical instruments to support them.
Morel also runs his own consultancy company De Zaak van Betekenis and is founder and unpaid board member of the Purpose Economy Foundation in Twente (Dutch: Stichting Betekeniseconomie in Twente).
Previously, he obtained his PhD from Delft University of Technology. He worked for over 12 years as an assistant professor of Consumer Behavior and Consumer Research at the universities of Delft and Rotterdam. From 2009 to 2016 he combined a professorship of Identity Marketing at Saxion University of Applied Sciences with working at and heading De Betekenisfabriek, a consultancy firm specialized in identity marketing.
PUBLICATIONS (selection)
- Van Uden, Jacco en Kaj Morel (2022), Innovatie van het business onderwijs: werken in de plek der moeite, Waardenwerk, zomernummer 2022.
- Morel, Kaj (2020), Waarom bedrijven de wereld (niet) zullen verbeteren, New Financial Magazine.
- Morel, Kaj (2020), Realistische retailers weten het al lang: economische groei is niet zaligmakend, Retail Insiders.
- Morel Kaj (2019), Minder koopzucht is nodig, maar hoe?, BN De Stem.
- Morel, Kaj (2018), Tijd voor de betekeniseconomie. Het verhaal over onze economie dat ze je nooit vertellen, SMO.
- Morel, Kaj en Arjen Smits (2017), Leerlingen die lok je niet, die verdien je, Trouw.
- Morel, Kaj (2016), Marketing in het tijdperk van de betekeniseconomie, Tijdschrift voor het Economisch Onderwijs (TEO).
- Morel, Kaj (2010, Identiteitsmarketing: nieuwe zingeving aan marketing, Tijdschrift voor Marketing.
- Morel, Kaj (2010), Identiteitsmarketing. Waarom wij bestaan, Scriptum.
- 2020-2024 Doing Business as if the World is Our Village. Together with the professorship of Anna Sabidussi (International Business) we investigate how we can use the concept of psychological proximity to stimulate internationally operating companies to behave more responsible.
- 2021-2022 KIEM-CE project Marketing Sustainable Innovation (submitted). Together with the professorship of Jappe de Best (Biobased Resources and Energy) and a graduation student we investigate how SME can better market their biobased products and services.
- 2021-2023 RAAK Pro Publieke Transformers (submitted). Research into the question how the public professional can contribute successfully to the transformation to a future-proof city center with a better balance between living, shopping, working and relaxing in a more green environment.
- 2019-2021 Marketing doet ertoe. Researcher Marco Kuijten has written a book for (beginning) marketing professionals on new marketing that will be published in 2021. He also develops practical tools related to the content of the book, e.g. on true pricing.
- 2019-2024 Placemaking. Research on how to develop former shopping areas into future-proof neighbourhoods that are meaningful to all people involved.
- 2019-2024 The Purpose Box. Development of an offline and online serious game and related research platform for making the transformation to new marketing, meanful business and purpose economy.